DWI/DUI Defense

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A DWI charge does not automatically mean conviction.
New Jersey has very tough penalties for drunk driving. This is one of the few states with mandatory license suspension for a first offense of DWI/DUI.
Inquiry for DWI/DUI Defense
(732) 545-7755
22 Kirkpatrick Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Don’t Let A DWI Arrest Ruin Your Future
First offenses of DWI/DUI can have a domino effect from fines and loss of driving privileges, employment, insurance rates and other facets of your life. If your license was suspended or you have prior convictions, you could be looking at serious jail or prison time.
Fetky & Petty, LLC, will work to put the brakes on these life-changing punishments. We mount a skilled DWI defense, backed by decades of experience in the courts of New Jersey and a law enforcement background that help us challenge the traffic stop and other evidence.
Arrested for DWI or driving while suspended? Call our New Brunswick law office at (732) 545-7755 for a free consultation and aggressive representation.
Experienced Defense For Drunk Driving Charges
We represent people in Central New Jersey and statewide who are facing DWI/DUI and related offenses, including:
- First-time DWI
- Repeat offenses
- Underage drinking and driving
- Refusing the breath test
- DWI with a child in the car
- Driving under the influence of drugs
- Driving with a suspended or revoked license
- Vehicular assault/vehicular homicide (DWI accident)
New Jersey statute requires a “hard suspension” of your driver’s license, even for a first offense of driving while intoxicated. That means there is no option for a restricted permit to drive to work or school. The period of suspension is three months if your BAC was .08 or higher and seven to 12 months if your BAC was .10 or higher. After serving the suspension, the court may require you to install an ignition interlock on all vehicles before you can drive.
Jail may or may not apply for a first offense. A third DWI carries a mandatory jail sentence. Driving while suspended is also punishable by jail time. Other penalties include fines and court costs, an insurance surcharge, mandatory alcohol education and substance abuse assessment. For all these reasons, you need a defense lawyer who knows how to protect you.
We Know How To Challenge The Evidence
In addition to the strict penalties, New Jersey statute forbids DWI charges from being bargained down to a lesser offense such as reckless driving. As a result, we often have to go to court to challenge a DWI. William Fetky formerly served as a police officer in New York and as a prosecutor in New Jersey, so he understands arrest procedures and prosecution tactics. We have also developed relationships with ex-law enforcement experts who can examine the traffic stop, field sobriety tests, breathalyzer testing and other circumstances of your arrest.
Our attorneys draw on 45 years of combined experience to poke holes in the evidence against you. We use that knowledge to dismiss the charges, fight a conviction at trial or negotiate with the prosecutor to soften the blow.
We Take Your Case Seriously
It’s not “just a DWI.” There are immediate and long-term consequences, and the skill of your attorney can make a difference in the outcome. Call us today for a free initial consultation at (732) 545-7755 or use our online form. We practice in Middlesex County and statewide.
Act quickly. A strong defense can protect you against:
First-Time DWI
Repeat DWI Offenses
DWI with a Minor in the Vehicle
Underage DWI
Refusal to Submit to a Breathalyzer
DWI Resulting in Injury or Death
Commercial Driver’s License DWI
Did you know?
New Jersey statute forbids DWI charges from being bargained down to a lesser offense such as reckless driving.
- Cases get dismissed 20-30% of DWIs are dismissed due to police errors or faulty tests.
- Breathalyzer tests aren’t perfect Machines must be properly calibrated to be valid.
- First-time offenders have options Alternative sentencing can prevent license suspension.
- Field sobriety tests are unreliable Medical conditions or road conditions can affect results.
- A charge is not a conviction Experienced attorneys win DWI cases regularly.
- Plea Bargains 90%
- Dismissals 5%
- Acquittals 5%
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