(732) 545-7755 info@fetkyandpetty.com

What are New Jersey’s manslaughter laws?

Although not as serious as murder, a charge of manslaughter carries serious ramifications even if you are not convicted. This is what to expect if you are arrested for this by New Jersey authorities. Understanding manslaughter In New Jersey, a person can...

Unlawful possession of prescription drugs in New Jersey

It’s generally common knowledge that possessing certain drugs without a valid prescription is illegal. It’s also illegal to possess more of a drug than you need, even if you have a valid prescription for them. There are heavy consequences for people who are found to...

Flaws with field sobriety tests

When the police pull over a New Jersey motorist suspected of driving while intoxicated, a field sobriety test will surely follow. If the driver fails the field sobriety test, legal troubles will begin. Failing does not mean the court will accept the evidence without...